Recollections of Mark A. Gartman
I don't know the complete history of all three stations WCM PITTSBURGH in Irwin,
PA, WGK ST LOUIS in Granite City, IL and WJG MEMPHIS in Memphis, TN but I know a
My father was Raymond A. Gartman, owner of all three stations at one time or
In 1947 Ray and his partner Jimmy DeChauise (I'm sure I butchered the spelling)
started WLO MOBILE. They also had a side business named Marine Electronics,
dealing in equipment for marine vessels. Jimmy bought out Ray's share in 1967.
The same year, Ray bought RCA's WCM PITTSBURG in Irwin, PA and WGK ST LOUIS in
Granite City, IL for a total sum of $90,000.00. That was a substantial amount
of money in those days but probably less money than musically formatted
Someone was wondering why WGK was not KGK since it was west of the Mississippi
River in St Louis. Technically, WGK wasn't in St Louis, it was across the
river in Illinois which is east of the Mississippi River. (Editor's Note: From
FCC documents it appears likely that WGK was originally in Cincinnati and moved
to the river's edge in St. Louis (it's location in the 1940s) and kept the call
after the move.)
When Raymond bought WCM and WGK; WGK was located on the Chain of Rocks Canal, on
Levee Road, the eastern side of the levee, about a mile north of the interstate
270 bridge. I tried to find the building along with the tower and antenna array
on satellite imagery but it's no longer there.
During Ray's ownership, the station managers were Frank Deedrick at WCM and
Clayton "Smitty" Smith at WGK. Even though I knew both of them, I only worked
under Smitty at WGK during my high school summers in 1968 and 69.
I remember when Ray filed for approval on rates to be charged by the stations.
For voice radio telephone charges it was $1.00 for the first 3 minutes and .35
for each additional or partial minute along with any long distance charge the
telephone company may have. For traffic to or from the boats that were in
message form printed on a Western Union teletype machine, the charges were $1.00
for the first 3 lines and .35 for each additional or partial line. I remember
taking traffic from the boats and typing the information onto a teletype machine
that punched holes in a one inch wide paper tape. Each character or number
typed was punched in the tape in different configurations. Later in life I
thought it strange that the punches making up characters or numbers on the tape,
if punched out across the tape, equaled 8 holes and spaces. Each hole or space
represented a bit and it took 8 bits to make a byte or one character like
computers today. Each hole that was punched was probably 'on' (as a computer)
and the space where no hole was punched was probably 'off' (as a computer).
Once the tape was finished, it was placed in a transmitter/reader; we dialed the
boat's office and flipped a switch that sent the information at 100 words per
minute to a teletype on the other end. They were also called a TWX machine. It
was spooky fast for the day.
It was fun for me to operate an HF phone connection. Once the land line was
connected through the radio, you had to manually transmit when the land party
wanted to talk and then not transmit when the vessel was transmitting. To make
things interesting, most of the time, the land party never said "over" when they
were through with their sentence. After becoming seasoned HF operators, most of
us were able to listen to nothing more than inflections in the voice to tell
when to let off the transmitter foot switch. After becoming very proficient, we
probably couldn't even tell you what the conversation was about.
The VHF phone connections were much easier. All you had to do was hook them up
and listen for them to stop talking.
Each inland-rivers marine-radio station was assigned two 2 MHz channels, one
being the emergency channel; and 1 each 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 Megahertz channels.
Around 1971 the frequencies were basically split in two to create SSB (Single
Side Band). When listening to SSB on a traditional HF receiver it sounded as if
everyone was muffling their voice so no one could understand them; much like
being too close to a microphone and over-modulating. During Ray's ownership, HF
transmitted and received on the same frequency. The signal is sent up to the
ionosphere, bounces off to the ground, bounces off again to the ionosphere, back
and forth, sometimes all the way around the world. We used 2 MHz at night close
in; 4 MHz at night far away; 4 MHz at day break close in and far away; 6 MHz
during the day in the U.S. and sometimes 8 MHz. I personally spoke with an
airplane on the ground in the Nederland back in the early 1970's during the day
on our 12 MHz channel. We were required by the FCC to continuously monitor all
our assigned frequencies. It was pretty noisy during a storm or during sun spot
Someone stated that one of the stations must have had special provisions in
their license to accommodate aircraft. Anything that had a port and starboard
(not a land based or mobile station) and could dial their transmitter into the
frequency was legally able to contact a marine radio station.
VHF stands for Very High Frequency which is above the FM radio dial in your car.
The VHF marine bandwidth was in the 150-160 MHz area. That's 150000 KHz. VHF
was great for voice calls because there was never any static like on HF. VHF
was FM and was transmitted on one frequency and received on another frequency
making it full duplex. At the time, the only channels that operated duplex were
the marine-radiotelephone-service stations on channels 24, 26, 27, 28. All
normal operating (boat to boat, boat to lock, etc.) channels on VHF sent and
received on the same channel therefore you transmitted then let off the transmit
button to receive.
In late 1968 or early 1969 Ray bought Skipper Warner's WJG MEMPHIS. WJG was
located in a pecan orchard behind Skipper's house. Jerry DeGregory Senior was
the station manager. I worked under him from 1970 to 1976. Jerry was a funny
guy and a great harmonica player. During WWII while Jerry was riding a troop
train here in the States, the train was sabotaged, wrecked and really messed up
one of his legs. They were able to save it but they had to fuse the knee. Each
time he sat down, one of his legs stuck straight out in the air.
In 1970 the station was moved to South 3rd Street (Highway 61) south of downtown
Memphis. I did find the location on satellite imagery but the HF antenna array
and tower are no longer standing. Ray designed the operating boards that you
see being used by the ladies pictured in the later WJG pictures. The boards
integrated all the radios, phone lines, remote transmitters, monitors, and
speakers in one working location. Each board was identical and could be
operated from any position. You could connect any equipment with any other
equipment at any location we had. The WJG transmitter (the later grey colored
one pictured, not the early black ones) was the new state of the art SSB/HF
transmitter. I remember mounting the VHF antenna on top of the tower along with
my brother. I asked my brother if the leather safety belt I was using was safe
since it had a little nick in it. He said it was so we went up top to install
the antenna. A week later my brother was using the nicked belt on one of the
shorter telephone poles setting an anchor for the HF omni-directional net and
the belt broke and he fell a few feet to the ground. He wasn't hurt but it sure
gave me chills to think I was a couple of hundred feet in the air leaning back
into that belt while installing the VHF antenna. I definitely believe when it's
your day to go, then that's the day but, I also believe we should do everything
in our power not to hurry that day along.
Ray sold WJG to Bill Miller in 1971. I continued to work for Bill until 1976.
While working for Bill, we installed VHF remote locations north and two
locations south of Memphis; all operable remotely by the operating boards my dad
had originally designed and built. I left Memphis in 1976 and moved back there
in 1982 and found that Bill Miller still owned the station but had also opened a
bar/pool hall named Miller High Life. Yes, I did go there a few times.
I can't recall the years they worked there but here are some of the people that
came and went while I was at WJG from 1970-1976: Lloyd Rowland, David Smith,
James Walton, Rayburn ?, Judy ?, Johnny Jones.....and more that will probably
pop into my head when I'm not trying to remember. I knew Jimmy DeHart, Harold
Hopper, Pat Patterson who were all electronics guys that caught boats to repair
the on-board electronics, but didn't work with them.
I thought Frank Deedrick bought WCM Pittsburgh from Ray in 1974 but seem to be
One of the marine electronic technicians in the St Louis area, Charlie Soroka,
eventually bought WGK St. Louis. I doubt that he would remember me. He used
to catch tow boats at lock 27 and lock 26 and get off the boats after electronic
repairs were done.
The tow boats never stopped except for picking up and dropping barges. Their
fuel, groceries and crew were taken on while moving. Each tow boat used
approximately 100,000 gallons of diesel fuel in 24 hours. That sounds like a
lot but, they were more efficient than trains or trucks. Tow boats used 550
BTU's of thermal energy per ton mile to move the same as trains at 750 BTU's of
thermal energy per ton mile and planes at 15,000 BTU's of thermal energy per ton
mile. In the hey day of tow boats which was the 1950's through the 1980's,
everything we touched was in one raw or processed form or another shipped on one
of our intra-coastal waterway systems located in 46? of 48 of our contiguous
In the middle 1980's Ray bought another high seas station in Galveston, TX. He
was contacted by people he knew in the FCC. They indicated the station would be
shutting down soon but was in an area that was in need of the services. He got
it up and running successfully within a year. I can't remember the call sign
but I do know he sold it about a year later.
Raymond A. Gartman was an electronic engineer and an innovator of his day in the
maritime communications sector. I went with him to attend meetings that took
place at the Federal Communications Commission in Washington where policy was
made on maritime communications. He was on the board that represented the
maritime and electronics side of these meetings. I was fortunate to meet Lou
Arnow with the FCC in the maritime division. It was all very impressive to me.
Ray was born March 1912 in Washington County Alabama and passed November 1997 in
Baldwin County Alabama at age 85. I miss him a lot.
Mark A. Gartman - Winter 2006-7
Reconstruct the E-Mail address: gartmanm at bellsouth dot net