Recollections of Dennis Widdows, W9VHN
Thanks for the E-mail alerting me to the site. I checked it out and it brought
back memories (although at my age, kinda fuzzy, Hi.) I wish I had spent more
time paying attention to the Lorain Electronics history. However, I knew most
of the people listed, and can provide some additional information.
I was with Lorain Electronics from 1962-79 - stationed in Chicago, In those
days Chicago and Lake Michigan were pretty hectic regarding field service. I
was responsible for ports from Grand Haven, Mich around the lake to Green Bay,
WI, and down the river to Peoria, IL. Also had the VHF stations at Sturgeon
Bay, WI,, Port Washington, WI, Benton Harbor, MI and WAD. As you might guess,
I wasn't home a lot Hi.
You asked about the winter work schedule: I can only remember about 4 winters
that weren't fairly full. Layup was in November and fitout was in April. We
used the winter time to do installs & attend meetings and seminars around the
country. April got very hectic with FCC inspections etc. I usually had about
95 boats to get ready on the Michigan and Wisconsin sides of the Lake. I put
in a lot of overtime in April as you can imagine. My longest work day was 26
hours straight at the shipyard in Sturgeon Bay, WI. Needless to say I only did
that once.
Wes Goodell was in charge of the shore stations and I didn't have a lot to do
with them. However, I did service gear at WAD occasionally and stopped to
visit when heading up the shore on a service call. There were 2 brothers (Vic
and Elmer Ash) who operated the station and both were excellent techs, so I
just helped occasionally. They both held 1st phone licenses and were hams.
Elmer and Vic were up in years when I used to visit WAD. I pretty sure they
are SK. They would have to be in their mid-90s' today. They were 3 or 4 years
With respect to the ship radio installation shown at the top of the Lorain
Electronics page: I looked at the enlargement you provided and did some
further research, and I am confident that the ship is the SS George F. Baker
with Capt. Homer R. Johnson pictured.
I remember that in the early 70's at WMI they installed a R.F. Comm SSB unit
with a 1500w linear amp. They also put up a log periodic. This was to handle
schedules from the supertankers in the middle east. We also oversaw the
installation of SSB stations on new tankers at the shipyard in Cadiz, Spain. I
didn't have enough pull to get sent over there although I would've liked to.
Don't remember what freqs. they used, but I think they were in the 18-20 MHz
I received a reply from one of the guys I contacted and hopefully it will
supplement or correct my memory about WMI. The facility at the end of Meister
Rd. was decommissioned late 78 or early 79. CAI SSB equipment was installed at
a location in S. Amherst, Ohio. An operator position was installed at 2307
Leavitt Rd. The VHF system was operated from there also. MF/HF operation was
discontinued after a very short time. The sales & service dept. was disbanded
in 1980. The VHF system was operated till 1984 when it was sold to WJG-
Maritel. In 1985 the remaining contents of 2307 Leavitt Rd. were sold and
Lorain closed it's doors. Maritel operated the VHF system till 1990 then shut
it down for lack of business. WLC picked up a couple of the VHF stations and
used them till it shut down in 1997. Some of the Techs went to work for ITT-
Mackay in 1980 and in 1985 they formed their own company, Radio Link
Communications. They are still in business in Elyria, Ohio. This info is thru
the courtesy of Chuck Reynolds who now runs the Elyria business.
Also, despite what is shown on the AT&T maps none of the 3 LEC stations were
ever became a part of the Bell System. We had a monthly company newsletter,
and I'm sure that a station move or sell-off would've have been big news.
Incidentally, you had a query on power limitations. I think the AM shore
stations were limited to 1KW. I know WAD had a beautiful Collins AM unit that
was was 6 ft. high and 2 rack spaces wide and covered to the 8mhz channels. I
don't remember what the pa tubes were but I think the modulators were pp 810s'.
Great looking piece of gear - hopefully it's some old timer's 160 and 75 AM
phone rig today. Shipboard VHF was 20W Min and 25W max. Not sure on the AM
rigs but our LC15010A was 150W input. Also, on the rivers, the most common VHF
was RCA. We sold a lot of RF Comm also. We installed a Collins MR201 or MR301
for a trial but it was expensive and unreliable. SSB radios were the RF Comm.
and CAI. With reference to the Lorain shipboard VHF radios; you have the MC-261
correct, and in the picture of one being installed (on the Lorain Electronics
Page) the technician is Chester Dobeck and the vessel is the Wm. G. Mather.
The 261 consisted of GE Pre-Progress Line gear which included 2 receivers, a 50
Watt transmitter (set to 25W out) mounted in a 6 foot pole mount cabinet along
with a relay panel and a vox panel. These were replaced by GE Progress Line
gear in a 41 inch cabinet. The last one was the MM-14C. It consisted of GE
Mastr-Pro components mounted on a hinged frame approx 41 inches tall. It
consisted of 2 receivers, transmitter, selective calling unit and control
chassis. It utilized a telephone type control unit w/bcd channel select for 14
channels. I had one here for years and finally sold it. Never thought to take
a picture of the darn thing. We also installed RF-401 VHF secondary radios on
most all the carriers. These were small 10 or 12 channel radios and were
powered by the emergency AM radio batteries. All vessels were required to have
battery operated AM radios also. I'm not sure anymore, but I think we used
small Apelco Yacht type units (50W out) with a vertical antenna. I should
remember this as I must've installed at least 50 of the things Hi. At GLA
inspection time, we had to do a timed discharge test on the batteries for the
The shore VHF remote stations were equipped with GE Mastr-Pro components. They
also used a programmable subscriber unit at each location. I don't remember the
manufacturer, but I do remember running around reprogramming the darn things
after lightning storms. I became a fan of GE gear as a result of working for
Lorain, but as you can imagine, being in Motorola's backyard, I became known as
the guy who worked on gear made by a light bulb company, Hi.
Dennis Widdows, W9VHN ---- Fall 2005
Unfortunately, Dennis became a silent key in August of 2006