Contact Information:
About the Archivist/Webmaster
I grew
up around the Great Lakes (Alpena, MI
and South Bend, IN) and have had a shortwave receiver since
1947. I also have a strong long-term interest in the
inland rivers, both the steamboat era and modern tow-boating. I started listening to the towboat radio traffic almost
as soon as I got that first receiver (a Hallicrafters S-38),
and to the
great lakes traffic when I discovered it a little later.
the late 70's to mid 90's I had a Drake TR-7 transceiver with the Aux-7
board set up to receive WCM's 4, 6, 8 and 12 MHz channels. It carried
the most traffic and was the strongest "tow" or "laker" station at my
Virginia and NC locations. My current shortwave receiver is a SDR box (the AirSpy HF+) hooked to my PC.
I am 85+, a 1956 Purdue EE grad., and have been
retired from General Electric (mobile radio product design) for many
years. I am an amateur radio operator (K4ZAD), but
generally prefer listening and experimenting/building to
operating. Current ham interest is receiving and
transmitting (with very low power) WSPR signals. I
now live near
Raleigh NC which is, unfortunately, very far from the rivers.
My othr websites are: The
GE Mobile Radio History Archive and K4ZAD's Radio Information Site.