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Mackay/ITT produced a broad line of marine radio gear which found much use on the high seas. However, it was not as successful on the Great Lakes and Inland Rivers as RMCA or Lorain.

Small gray radio with 3 controls

Type-3002B Emergency Receiver

Bright orange lifeboat radio

Lifeboat Radio

Simple three-control radio in a wood box

Type 123-BX Cats Whisker Crystal Radio

Large gray radio receiver with dial, S-Meter and 4 knobs

Mackay Receiver Type 101A

Radio transmitter with 4 knobs in a wood case with a foldtout cover

Mackay Type 168B Emergency Transmitter

Lrge gray radio transmitter with 4 meters and many knobe - Probable 4 feet high

Type 2003 HF TX

Gray tabletop receiver with a semi-circular dial and 7 knobs

MacKay RX Type 128AY Receiver

Gray tabletop receiver with large slide-rule dial and 7 knobs

Mackay RX Type 129 Receiver

The Type 128AY, Type 128AW, Type 128AZ and the U.S. Coast Guard RC-123 are all essentially identical in appearance and have only slight internal differences.

Gray tabletop receiver with a semi-circular dial and 7 knobs

ITT/Mackay Type 3001A RX

Gray tabletop receiver with a semi-circular dial and 6 knobs

Mackay RX Type 3007A Receiver

Rack-mount 1960s? receiver with a light gray front, slide-rule dial, meter and 8 knobs

ITT/MacKay Type 3010C Receiver

3 ft. wide by 6 ft. high cabinet with 2 receivers and 3 transmitters and a projecting shelf with a typewriter in the center

Mackay MRU19-20 -- ITT Telecommunications photo

Light  beige receiver 5 inch by 19 inch with thumb-wheel switches to set frequency, S-Meter, speaker, and 6 knobs

ITT/MacKay Type 3030 RX

Here are three external links to photos of ITT/Mackay gear:

Mackay gear from WCC
A small Mackay Radio Telephone
Mackay equipped ship station WGGF

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