Some of the WAY Crew
Thorne Donnelley - W9PZ (SK) | Founder | 1938-42 |
Don Meyer (SK) | Foreman | 1948-78 |
Earl Reece (or Rees) (SK) | Operator | ca. 1972 |
Lloyd R. Frye - WB9PEP | Operator | 1957-67 |
Robert Weppler | Operator | 1947-53 |
John Nolan | Operator | 1952-62 |
Ralph Nelson | Operator | ? - 1972+ |
Ralph Modloff | Operator | 1962 -72+ |
Robert N. "Bud" Cozen | Operator Foreman | ? |
John Tobias (SK) | Operator | ca. 1952 |
Bob Hiele | Operator | ca. 1952 |
Ken Anderson | Operator | ? |
Joseph L. Bolsinger | Operator | ? |
Tom Coll | Operator | ca. 1962 |
Warren Glasel (SK) | Operator Foreman | <1976 |
Larry Gilbrith | ? | ? |
Dale Long (SK) | Operator | ca. 1961 |
Jim Bresemann | Operator | 1971-78 |
Don Cook | Operator | ca. 1972 |
Ted Demco | Operator | ca. 1972 |
Some of the WAY-200++ Highland Park Crew
Hopefully this is the proper table division, if not at least all the names that I have are shown.
Jim Bresemann | Operator | 1978-83 |
Bud Cozen | Foreman-Operator | ca. 1978 |
Dick Voss | Foreman-Operator | ca. 1978 |
Bonnie Kapischke - W9EBO | Operator | ca. 1978 |
Don Cook | Operator | ca. 1978 |
Ted Demco | Operator | ca. 1978 |
Bob Skinner | Operator | 1978 - End |
Full names of living crew members will be removed at their request.
Here's a list of all the WAY foreman from the 1941-2 time through 1984.