The WLC Crew in 1953
Photos Provided by Tom Curtis

The WLC Crew in 1953 L to R: Bob Crittendon - Joe Hassett - Jay Seymour - Tom Curtis - Jack Fanning ---
Foreground: Daryl Stath ? - Frank Sager - Harvey Peltz

The WLC Crew in 1953 L to R and Back to Front: Daryl Stath ? - Jack Fanning -
Bob Crittendon -
Tom Curtis - Jay Seymour - Frank Sager - Joe Hassett & Harvey Peltz
Michigan Limestone Co. (WLC's Parent) December 17, 1953 Christmas Party ---
WLC Crew Members -
Back Row Right End: Joe Hassett &
Bob Crittendon ---
Second Row Down Left End:
Daryl Stath ? & Tom Curtis (with head
turned) ---
Second Row Down & Immediately Below
Crittendon is Harvey Peltz ---
Slightly to the Left & Below Peltz is Frank
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