Recollections Index
This page provides a unified listing of all the Personel Recollections on the site.
Edward Ansell, (ex W9PSA) (SK) | Recollections of his time as an operator at WAS, Duluth |
Bob Ballantine, W8SU | Bob recalls experiences as a USCG radioman on the Lakes |
Ken Bobel, WA8YJW | Nice detail about WMI & Lorain Electronis (LEC) with three images |
John Clark | John recounts his time as an operator at WFN, Louisville |
Paul Copeland, K4KCS | Some WJG, Memphis history including Paul's time as an operator |
Ken Cubilo, W8WLC | Lots of detail about WLC, Rogers City by this long-time operator |
Thomas Curtis, W8BMJ | Tom recalls his two employments at WLC, Rogers City |
Frank Deedrick, K3SQP | Frank provides some personal detail about WCM, Pittsburgh |
Jerry L. DeGregory, Jr. | Much about WJG, Memphis and its two DeGregory employees |
Thomas Drake, W4IWH | Extensive detail about Georgian Bay Line cruise ship radio |
Jack Estes | Some 1943-1960 history of WJG, Memphis and WFN, Louisville |
Mark Gartman | Info. about WCM, Pittsburgh, WGK, St. Louis and WJG Memphis |
Ray Heimberger, W8TT | Ray's years at WLC, Rogers City and on Georgian Bay Line ships |
Paul Hise | Paul recalls his years at WFN, Louisville |
William Hope, W2EWT (SK) | Thirteen images from 1930s Great Lakes ship radio |
Bill Hutchinson, W7EX | Nice detail about WGK, St. Louis and a little about boat Radar |
Mark Karney, N9JWF | A Jack-of-All-Trades at WMI, Lorain provides some station history |
Ted Phelps, W8TP | Georgian Bay Lines cruise ship radio operations around 1940 |
Charles C. Reynolds, WA8WUU | All about radio equipment on the Lakes and at WCM, Cincinnati |
Wilson Edward Weckel, W8AL | His son recounts his dads history as an operator on Great Lakes ships |
Dennis Widdows | Dennis was the LEC Lake Michigan and the Illinois River service guy |
Martin Williams | Martin's history with RCA's Great Lakes radiotelegraph operations. |
Robert Wilson, VA1AKK | Robert tells about being a radio officer on Georgian Bay Line ships |